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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 11, 2013 10:00am-12:01pm EDT

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this afternoon. he will be briefing the press about what the president has to say in these meetings. here is a reporter for the chicago tribune -- "chicago sun- times." by the way, on c-span this morning, we have coverage of the value voters summit, which kicked off in washington today. here is a tweet from earlier today. obamacare fight. the dnc points to a cover of its hometown paper. here is the cover of the "salt lake tribune."
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senator mike lee speaking earlier at the summit. senator ted cruz now speaking he for those gathered here in washington. that summit continues through the weekend. earlier today, we spoke to steven dennis, white house correspondent with roll call, about the latest on the budget impasse. to talk about the negotiations. we should not call the negotiations, right? it depends on what they are negotiating about. , manyesident made clear times, that he would not negotiate over some kind of ransom but he has been open to talking about setting up a
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budget process, some kind of framework for getting a bigger budget deal done. that seems to be where they are going. that is the opening he provided a few days ago in his press conference and is one that they have continued to subtly put out there as a way to give republican some assurance that those negotiations would be real and substantive and cover some of the issues they want to cover , and yet, reopen the government. that is the real question, not just the short-term debt deal, which is starting to look more and more like something that is baked into the cake, and whether they can reopen the government on tuesday after the holiday on monday. theou are taking temperature on capitol hill, not as something where there is
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enormous pressure on republicans to find a way to reopen the government. you have had two major polls in fromast two days, one gallup, one from nbc and "wall street journal" that shows the publicans with the worst poll ratings that any party has had in history. that is not what you want to see if you are republican leaders. let me show the front page of "the washington journal." 1995 when the last time the government was shut down. when he seven percent blame the president, 40 seven percent blamed republicans in congress. in 2013, it is worse. 31% blame the president, 53% blame republicans in congress. maybe the scarier number
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is the positive rating .ormrepublicans, it is at 24% that is not even a majority of a minority. someave to get to 51% at point to win a presidential election. you have to do better than the democrats to keep the house, or at least be in shooting distance. what you see on capitol hill is this is playing out with a lot of republicans looking for an exit on the shutdown. we have talked to a number of senate republicans in recent days who are desperately trying to find a way to reopen the government. they are not in love with what they saw from house republicans yesterday, which was a plan to keep the government closed while they extended the debt ceiling. that is not enough for a lot of the senate republicans. i have spoken to some staffers this morning, and they are in
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their we will let you know when something is their stage. the senate republicans will be meeting with the president today and there is every possibility that democrats could try to reach a deal with senate republicans who are eager to end , andhutdown this weekend then try to send something back to the house. that is something that is hard to resist, at that point. it seems like there is a lot of pressure on the republicans to find a way to save face, move on, and maybe salvage something from this. one of the things that you saw from a couple of days ago in "the wall street journal" was paul ryan's letter to the editor, talking about everything but the reason why we have a shutdown, which is obamacare. that is something that leadership wants to be
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discussing, the bigger budget deal that was achievable, as opposed to obamacare, which a lot of them see as a box canyon, something the president will not cave in on. host: let me show the viewers, the blog that you contribute to. house gop plan would keep government shut and raised that limit. jack on twitter wants to know this. claimed to want to raise the debt limit without conditions. is that true? guest: it is not really true. the proposal, the way the speaker made it yesterday, made it sound conditional on the president agreeing to negotiate on the budget before agreeing to reopen the government. that is something democrats were not happy with yesterday.
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i asked harry reid, when he came out of the white house yesterday after meeting with the president, is there any chance negotiating with the president on opening the government? he said it would not happen. clearly, they are talking. there is some negotiating going on, according to the republicans. there is a path here, it seems to me. ,f you have a budget sidecar where the president can say, i did not pay a ransom, the health care law remains intact, but i wanted to give republican some assurances that i am going to negotiate over health care with them, negotiate with health care -- tax reform. i think there is a way to give everyone something to point to and say we are going to make a good-faith effort in the next month. i do not think it is possible,
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given the politics of the situation, for there to be real negotiations while the government a shutdown. the democrats will look at these polls and they will say, we are on the side of the angels, even though that we are not popular, we are more popular than the others. break, whetherto it is monday or tuesday. people on capitol hill have stocks just like everyone else. they saw on the stock market soared yesterday a few hundred points at the prospect of a deal. and their donors are calling them as well, calling them, saying, let's end the shutdown. there is an enormous amount of pressure to find some way out of this situation. heard fromhave you senator ted cruz, from the heritage action fund come from tea party groups about this latest offer?
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the idea that you would extend the debt ceiling for six weeks but keep the government shutdown is something that ted cruz and the heritage action, and some of the conservative bloggers have said, ok, we will keep fighting on obamacare over the budget, and we will not have this risk of default. that is something that they can countenance. , weproblem for them is might end up with a whole enchilada where the government is reopen for five or six weeks and the debt ceiling is extended for five or six weeks, maybe two november 22, and obamacare not really part of the discussions. that is one of the things that the appropriations chairman told us when he came back from the
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white house. obamacare was not really a part of the discussions. is an understanding among house republican leadership that the president is not really going to cave on that issue. they have understood that for months. that is why they tried to get their members to not have this situation unfold. their original plan was to have a sidecar that the senate could jettison and the government could open, but they kind of got railroaded into this strategy of demanding some concessions on obamacare before opening up the government. that has just not gone anywhere. host: we will wait and watch and see. take you for your time. steven dennis from earlier giving us an update on the budget impasse here in washington. the house is in a short recess. they are coming back around 10:30 a.m. eastern time to vote on a nuclear security funding bill, the one bill on the docket
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today. they will be back tomorrow at 9:00 eastern time. live coverage of the house continues this morning. in the meantime, we are taking your phone calls and getting your thoughts on the latest from republicans, extending the debt limit while the two sides compromise on other issues. linda in illinois. democratic caller. thank you so much. i love c-span. proud thatll be so our legislative session can be , to make your own decisions, straight from the horses mouth. i will say, i hope i representative, holmgren, please talk and try to get this shutdown over with. the house is like watching the fog or collect --
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foghorn leghorn cartoon. it needs to end. independent caller. angela from grand junction. caller: i have been listening to the media and watching your show. i am hearing a lot of the social security people questioning whether they will get their payment, but i am not hearing anything about our veterans benefits being cut. those of us that are solely reliant on the veterans be posing asems to an issue. they are the ones taking care of our country and keeping us free to begin with, including congress and the government. what kind of examples are we setting for our children when the government cannot pay their bills? we have to pay the repercussions for that. duty.ricans are doing our
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host: you may have heard the benefits not going out to families of fallen soldiers. that has been fixed in washington, the president signing the legislation last night, releasing the funding, $100,000 for those that have sacrificed their life, to their family, the death benefits. susan in clover, south carolina. republican caller. you know, i find it interesting, as i am watching c- now, aor about two weeks couple of things concern me on the affordable care act. i never hear the democrats ever address what the republicans are trying to fight for, for the
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american people. i just feel it would be fair that the american people should actually vote if they want this .ealth care act or not since we have to pay it, we should be able to choose. , i do notuestion is hear anyone talking about the disabled people. i feel terrible for the veterans and what is happening with them. it is a disgrace that these families have to wait for their loved ones, to get benefits. but the disabled people who count on their social security payments,disability nobody has addressed how i am going to ensure how my daughter, who is 16 years old, and the president is going to find me as a disabled person, and i cannot get health care for my 16-year- old daughter. would stope congress fighting back and forth and saying the same thing day after day after day, and get to
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something different. marie saysitter, ms. this -- do not raise the debt ceiling. washington is confiscating .lmost 40% of the gdp now another tweet from sasha. gop cowards will not bring their own appropriation bill to the floor. no compromise, no conference since march. if you want to join in, please send in your tweets. jean, democratic caller. caller: first of all, i want to -- throwsh these guys politics out the window and get the business of the country done and open up. i am a disabled vet, 100% ,ervice connected from vietnam and i think it is just
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appalling, number one, the way they have been treating the veterans, putting them at risk and the families that rely on compensation from the v.a. the health care law. they are making a big deal of that, just like a rush to get your hamburger or something. let it go. let them work the kinks out, like with happened with medicare. they had to work out the kinks. affordable health care is for all americans, not just, you know -- people are suffering, and it is appalling the way congress is treating the people of this country. bob in georgia. independent caller. i thought the conclusion was to elect people who were responsible. at this time we have nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats going
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on a temper tantrum like a bunch of four-year-olds. this morning, i spoke to are presented in chapter. representative captor. the international market needs to be brought under control. the democrat from the ohio controlling the floor time for democrats as they debated the latest spending bill from republicans. it would fund nuclear security through december 15. as of now that is the one round of votes they will take your this morning. in about five minutes we expect the house to come back in for that vote. first, a procedural vote, followed by a final vote. that is what we are expecting from the house. we are taking your phone calls in the meantime.
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on c-span two, the senate will be coming in quickly and then they will recess to allow senate republicans to meet with president obama at the white house. that meeting taking place around 11:15. we will stick around to see it any of the senate republicans come to the microphone to give us an idea of what happened in those meetings. jay carney also addresses the media at 1:30 p.m. eastern time. ellen, jacksonville, florida. republican caller. caller: thank you for taking my call. i understand the furlough government workers will get their pay retroactive when they go back to work. my husband died from a service- connected disability and i currently collect disability from the v.a. as a surviving spouse. that is my income, along with social security. if this goes on, i will really
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be hurting because i will have no income. my question is, if it comes to it, will any pay for the veterans collecting disability, or surviving spouse's ability, will they get retroactive payments when the government goes back to work? we will have to wait to see how all of that unfolds as the two sides have agreed at least to talk right now. more meetings at the white house . another program for you on c- span three, live coverage of the family research council's annual value voters summit. right now before the audience is senator rand paul, and the summit continues through the weekend. we heard from ted cruz this morning as well as mike lee. if you miss that, you can go find that on our video library. mary in tennessee. caller: i have been so
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i know thatecause many people will continue to be out of work, if the republicans continue to dig in their heels , just to get mules when obamacaree, -- is going to help millions of people. my question is, have the -- half the republicans, with all their they do notusness, realize how they are hurting not just democrats, but all the american people. host: jane in trenton, tennessee. democratic caller. i voted democrat all my
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life, but this individual mandate -- i have four children. tight budget. fined for notget paying for something that they will -- tell me how much i am going to pay on it. that got me out of the democratic party altogether. the republican side and the , now i am with the people that say, throw all the bums out. host: what do you make of the latest offer from republicans to the president, raise the debt ceiling for six weeks while we negotiate? not a lot of focus on the president's affordable care act. we lost him, so we will not find out. let me tell you about
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negotiations here in washington. they were being led at the staff level last night after republicans put out this proposal, and they continue overnight. on the senate side there are several proposals being floated. reports thisn post morning that susan collins has come up with a package, working with senate democrats on it. democrats were intrigued by the proposal but unhappy with democratic concessions. those would include the repeal of the tax on medical devices on which helps to fund the obama health care law, and would require new income verification procedures are those that see tax subsidies to buy insurance on the new exchanges. the proposal would also keep in underspending levels sequestration until at least march, but would give greater flexibility to the agencies to decide where those cuts would fall. a lot of negotiations happening. we will continue to watch those here in washington on c-span and c-span2.
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gail in georgia. the public in color. -- republican caller. know -- thent to republicans are blamed for everything. it has been a blame game since obama got into office. -- i nothing to do with live in georgia, so it has nothing to do with color. it has to do with can you be on the golf course, and in the senate making votes to prepare for our country? the last time i saw anything like this was when they tore down the berlin wall and we were allowed to see what went on. if we do not stand up and stick together, if we sign any bill with him, it will be the first time in history that the united states has ever folded. if we sign a bill, we will be going along with him. you think that he spent money before?
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when you can take a $4 million vacation, i am sorry, i do not think anyone deserves that. i would hate to think that i had a child over there in the other countries. they had no defense because of a pouting president. he is pouting because he did not get his way. i cannot understand where is americans, where are we at? he governs everything, from the cars you drive, to everything, where you live. if you are a government employee and your family is in one of the houses, they are going to make them move. where is america? caller.mocratic hector in california. caller: i was just listening to the caller before. the whole issue, democrats or republicans, just work it out. that caller was talking about --
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i think the problem is, the tea boehners got them, john has got them to a point where he will lose the speakership. then you have ted cruz who started all of this and got all of these people on board. we are talking about obamacare. let it run its course. if it fails, it fails. i am not here to say the republicans or democrats. let's work it out, open the government, and then we will hash everything out. -- issue of the tea party the government and the people and all of that. the tea party has this notion, because of his different color skin. i am hispanic. upt: i am going to wrap because the house is back for this vote to fund nuclear security. for the national nuclear
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administration for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from illinois seek recognition? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentlewoman opposed to the joint resolution? >> i am opposed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman qualifies. the clrk will report the motion. -- the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: mrs. kelly of illinois moves to recommit the joint resolution, house joint resolution 76 -- ms. kelly: i ask for dispense of the reading. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection? >> no objection. mr. frelinghuysen: i reserve a point of order on the gentlewoman's motion. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from illinois is recognized for five minutes on her motion. ms. kelly: thank you, mr. speaker. my amendment is a long overdue commonsense improvement that has bipartisan support in this house and the majority of support of the american people f my amendment passes, it will end this costly and irresponsible
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government shutdown and reopen the entire federal government so that we may once again appropriately serve the american people. as written, the bill before us offers the men, women, and children we represent little comfort. this piecemeal approach to funding the government is hurting folks in all of our districts. how can we commit to protecting nuclear security but not commit to the security of our federal government by completely funding it? how can we protect nuclear weapons but furlough our intelligence personnel who serve on the frontlines in defending us from terrorist attacks? why are we paying hardworking federal employees who want to get back to work to stay at home and not to do the job our nation depends on them to do? as we sit here voting to fund bills bit by bit, our constituents are feeling the full-blown consequences of this shut dfpblet they can't afford tore this shutdown to drag on.
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as we mull over whether it's more important to get our food inspectors back on the job or american veterans to have their veterans claims processed. the piecemeal approach isn't working. the gimmicks must stop. as we discuss nuclear weapon security, i was reminded of the movie "war games" this was the 1980's movie with matthew broderick facing off against a supercomputer that's programmed to go to war when it doesn't know what it's fighting for. i allow for a quick second of spoiler alert and summarize. after several failed attempts at starting a global nuclear war, the computer runs through all the possible scenarios, all of which end in stalemate before it discovers the concept of new actually assure of destruction. the have simple concept the war was trying to launch was an exercise in few tillity because it would destroy the u.s. in the patriots sess. a strange game, the computer says. the only winning move is not to play. that's where we find ourselves as a nation, headed toward a
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mutually assured destruction at the hands of an ideological few programmed to go to war when they don't even know the risk of the game they are playing anti-consequences of their fight. we have had a week go by without the lessons resonating that there are no winners in funding scenarios that have been brought to the floor. the american people are losing out worst of all. but this isn't a game. this is reality. this isn't a fictional 1980's movie. this is the united states of america in october of 2012. for the past week we have pursued a fundamentally inept message for reopening the government. today we need to pay particular attention tenks to one number, 79. that's how many different appropriations bills the house and senate will have to pass to fund the full nondefense portion of the federal government. given the rate of funding in the bills passed announced in the house of representatives so far. the men, women, and children in my district and all of our districts are dealing with the
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taxing reality of a shutdown government. we can't cherry pick who to fund and not to fund bit by bit. i ask all of you to vote yes on this motion because congress has a duty to offer the security of a functional government to our families, our veterans, and our economy. vote yes on this motion and vote yes to open up all of our government right now. . the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from. mr. frelinghuysen: i make a point of order those in favor say aye constructions violates clause 7 of rule 16 which requires an amendment be germane to the bill under consideration. as the chair most recently ruled on october 10, the instructions contains a special order of business within the jurisdiction of the committee on rules and therefore the amendment is not germane to the underlying bill. mr. speaker, i insist on my point of order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman insists on his point of order. ms. kelly: i wish to be heard on the point of order. mr. speaker, doesn't the bill before us fund a portion of the
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federal government? my motion to recommit would open up the entire federal government so that all of the benefits taxpayers have paid with their hard-earned dollars are available. can the chair explain why not open up all of the government instead of the portion of the government? if you rule this motion out of order, can the chair please explain why we can't keep the entire federal government open today? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey makes a point of order that -- the instructions proposed in the motion to recommit offered by the gentlewoman from illinois are not germane. the joint resolution extends funding relating to the national nuclear security administration. the instructions in the motion propose an order of business of the house. as the chair most recently ruled on october 10, 2013, a motion to recommit proposing an order of business of the house is not germane to a measure providing for the appropriation of funds. because such a motion addresses a matter within the jurisdiction of a committee not
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represented in the underlying measure. therefore, the instructions propose a nongermane amendment and the point of order is sustained. the gentlelady from illinois. ms. kelly: i appeal the ruling of the chair. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? mr. frelinghuysen: mr. speaker, i move to lay the appeal on the table. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to table. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. ms. kelly: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those in favor of voting by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, the 15-minute vote on the motion to table will be followed by a five-minute vote on the passage of the joint resolution if arising without further proceedings in recommital. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 226. the nays are 195. the motion is adopted. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. the question is on the passage
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of the joint resolution. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from ohio rise? ms. kaptur: mr. speaker, i ask for a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those in favor of a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 248, the nays are 176. the joint resolution is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the house will stand in
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this is my opinion. if we allow the united states to default on its that for the first time in our glorious history, we put a black mark on our reputation. that is a gross understatement. we will have financial disaster and it will spark a recession. i indicated that this is my opinion. this is not my opinion alone. if you listen to the economic
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leaders of this country, respected economist -- that is what they say. yesterday, the chief executive aficer of american express -- company valued at almost $80 this -- if united states is unable to pay its debts, the consequences will be immediate and dramatic. the unitedd if states defaults, the global financial system literally unwinds. misinterprets what he said, i will read it again. what is important to understand is this -- if the united states ceiling, the
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consequences will be immediate and dramatic. if the united states defaults, the global financial system literally unwinds. his warning has been accepted and echoed by members of congress, including many republicans. even speaker boehner admitted in 2011 that the last time the republicans forced the country to be on the brink of default that failing to pay the bills would be catastrophic. limit -- g the debt boehner isspeaker going to risk going into default, holding fullface -- full faith -- hostage. yesterday it was good to see my republican colleagues come
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around to the idea of a clean bill to avert a default. think about that. extendinglking about the debt ceiling for two months or six weeks. please. -- some have admitted the cleanup bill to avoid the default beauty standard. i agree. we do not believe a six-week delay is enough to give the economy the confidence it needs to keep recovering. using that theory, we would have [indiscernible] in washington.
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right before christmas. white -- right before people are beginning to buy things for christmas. we need to ensure the united states government lives up to its obligations. congress will work to restore faith -- nevada, they have a 17-year-old son who was scheduled to receive a bone marrow transplant in washington. without the transplant, he could die, just like his brother did five years ago. centers for disease control --
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the democratic leader has laid out 79 different programs that would have to be reinstated. we are getting them piecemeal. in the meantime, people are suffering. not only federal employees, but the people that depend on them. we have four states trying to work out to have states pay for opening national parks. it is time for republicans to give the people some relief. kidsn the government so can get the treatment they need. families of law enforcement officers deserve this. nick and i get death benefits they deserve the cousin -- they cannot get debt benefits they deserve because the government is close. reopen the government. pay our nations bills.
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let's negotiate a sensible budget solution. the republican leader. i will join my colleagues at the white house. it will be a good opportunity to engage in a frank exchange with the president. if all the president wants is to drag us over there to say he will not negotiate. that will not be productive. his basic position can be summed up in three words. he will not negotiate. americanseft scratching their heads. the rest of us want to enact some commonsense reform to get our debt under control. we want to keep our commitments to the american people.
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here is a key point -- no one wants a default. that is why in 50 years over multiple debt ceiling increases we have not had a default. we have negotiated for 50 years and never had a default. let's let this talk of default behind us and start talking about finding solutions to the problems. there are ways to get debt and spending under control. a lot of reforms we should consider. we have to talk to each other if we're are going to make that happen. i will bet some of my democratic friends have spending cut ideas as well. we would like to hear them. let's sit down. let's talk this out. -- thesecuss solutions discussions will continue as soon as we get back to the white house. leader onte minority
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the floor earlier today previewing his meeting with other gop senators at the white house. they have arrived. they are meeting with the president right now. we will try to bring you their comments when they come to the microphone and get an idea of where senate republicans stand on day 11 of the government shutdown after house republicans proposed a short-term debt fix. we are getting your thoughts on that this morning. you can keep calling in. we will try to get in a few phone calls and show you a democratic leadership had to say. leonard, rio rancho, new mexico. that i i wanted to say am a retired federal employee and i have been watching c-span for years. we have the perfect storm. we have three issues. -- c.r., --
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you bring in your own lunch and you sit there until this thing is resolved. you want to go to the bathroom, you walk into the bathroom. you do not listen to your aides. you were elected by us. you make the decisions. , believe it will be a week maybe less, everything will be resolved. linda, tampa, florida. democratic color. -- democratic caller. i think we are shutting down the wrong parts of anything. we should be shutting down tax inments and -- tax havens
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the cayman islands. $7 trillion did not just vanish. someone has that money. i find it a joke. house is in recess subject to the call of the chair. senate is also in recess. senate republicans are meeting with the president. daniel neuhauser tweets out this -- we are still waiting to hear back the white house. we are waiting to see what develops over the day here. loretta, florida, republican caller. what do you think? all of these people on social security and disability and the armed forces, the veterans that are not going to get money -- i have been talking to people in the neighborhood.
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there is talk about committing don't get anyey money because that is all they have to live off of. hearing it at the grocery store about people going to be breaking in, killing each other, robbing. it is going to be a horrible mess. they have to come to some conclusion because as people, we do not have anything to live off of except social security and do not have a penny left over to buy food. host: you are a republican? caller: yes. host: let me share this tweet with you -- you are killing your own party with poison tea. what do you think of your y's strategy so far? caller: i can understand. you cannot under -- you cannot
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overspend when you do not have it. you cannot keep going into debt. these things that have been promised over the years -- they cannot leave these people hanging without anything. i have cancer and bone disease and heart disease. my copayments to go see my specialist. everybody in our community where we live, they are all old seniors and people that are crippled and came home from the war. host: we will leave it there. we're going to take more of your phone calls coming up. if you want to join the conversation on twitter. we will show you what to house democratic leaders had to say
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earlier today after the rank and file met behind closed doors. democratic caucus chair and his vice chair. [video clip] >> we have a vote, so we are going to go ahead and start. we concluded a caucus meeting and i think in the democratic caucus there is a sense that maybe now we will see some movement. we will begin a chance to do our job and given a chance to vote. america back to work
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by letting our government open. we hope as well that we will byid damaging our economy not paying our past obligations. obligations that democrats and republicans voted for in previous budget votes. we hope this is a sign from yesterday's meeting that house republicans are prepared to try andet our economy moving our government doors open so that americans can go back to work. listeningerested in to americans from all walks of life. wall street was speaking yesterday. i suspect a lot of our republican colleagues were listening to wall street with its growing fear that republicans might let the government default on its past
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debt. each andping that every member of congress will listen to main street because there are a lot of folks on main street speaking loudly. there's a small business on main street that no longer has the business because workers are no longer able to work. i heard from a constituent who work for the housing department in los angeles who said he has been unable to return to work since october 1. who is arom someone friend from los angeles. she discovered she is a victim of identity theft. class, going about her life, all of a sudden she finds out someone has ripped off her identity and is taking advantage of it financially. contact the
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different government agencies to start the reporting process to get the secured so she does not have to worry about her credit rating and losing money from her bank account. she cannot get through to those government agencies because of the shutdown. there are folks that are taking advantage of identity theft in america because of this shutdown of our government. we are hoping we can get this country moving again, get the house back to work. we are hoping that we do not have to watch the stories of our veterans wondering if they will get their services or whether children will no longer be able to attend headstart programs or whether our seniors will have access to programs like meals on wheels. maybe the government will work. maybe congress will show up. maybe our colleagues will say it is time to put america back to work and for congress to be given a chance to vote to reopen the government -- the doors of government.
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hopeful and we are waiting to see how the conversation between the president and senate republicans goes. we are hopeful that this is finally a day when we have progress for the american people to report. let me yield to the vice chairman. er and recognizing or appreciating that maybe there are some republicans who understand how catastrophic it would be for us to default on our nation's debt. lies that theill extension they are talking about is a short-term extension. it is possibly only six weeks. we need a longer extension. need it for economic certainty, for the overall economy, and our constituents to
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provide more certainty in this uncertain world that we live in. my constituents wake up every day and they have to continue to pay tax to their government and continue to get less service. it is about reopening this government. get this government up again and working for the american people that is the challenge the republican people have not met. we need to shut down the shutdown. we need to pass a long-term debt ceiling relief bill and get government working for the taxpayers of this country once again. what about the medical tax repeal? even if it is paid for -- what is the sense of the caucus on that? act wasffordable care
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thereated, was litigated, was a national election that took place in which president obama was reelected. the american people have spoken. they want this law to have a chance. we believe that once this law was given the opportunity, it manyprovide insurance for -- for millions of americans. is that what my colleagues are afraid of? they want to deny coverage to individuals who have not had the opportunity. we say no. we recognize the importance of this bill, this act, this law. it has all been about? shutting down the united states government, threatening to default on national debt -- it has come down to one small,
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particular aspect of the affordable care act? really? is that what we shut the government down for? >> what is it about? >> you have to ask the republicans at this point. the republican caucus shut down the government. threatening to default on the national debt. that is clear. it wasend of the day, legislated, litigated, and there was an election that took place. the president won the election. the american people spoke. let's move on. but ensure we do not default on national debt and we will have to fix an amended the affordable care act if that is what is needed. dealat could begin in in a ? any concern -- what could be
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given in a deal? our focus has been beyond reopening the doors to go -- opening the doors to government so americans can go back to work. we do not want to take this catastrophic fall for the first time for political reasons am a stop paying our previous obligations, and causing problems going forward for the american people. i think that is our main concern. let's not tinker with the american economy. let's not tollway with american with-- let's not toy american workers, american livelihood. democrats are ready to talk
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about anything and everything. we are ready to move in fiscally responsible ways. we have seen decreases in spending over the last two to three years. we have seen a drop in the size of the deficit as a result of the acts of president with the help of congress. we hope to continue to see that progress. million americans that have regained employment, we want to have that number increase faster. we wanted to increase dramatically. on tellingre focused the republican colleagues to stop tinkering with the economy, stop playing with american workers' lives. let's sit down and talk seriously about these matters that are before us.
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>> what makes you hopeful that this might end soon? republicans are still insisting something be attached to the c.r. republicans are still unwilling to give anything on revenues. how is this going to break? >> why am i hopeful? because the lives of millions of will be substantially improved if government begins to operate again. they will not face further uncertainty if the american people's government were to default on its debt. we have to get this done. government.eopen we have to pay our national debt.
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that is fact. we have to do it. the consequences would be catastrophic. i think the american people have been patient, but i think it is beginning to wane. one indicator, not an entire indicator, but wall street itself, it has become very leery of this tactic. i would daresay democrats have -- ifhis in the past democrats have done this in the past, we would be lambasted. there is a double standard here to some degree. we need to get this accomplished regardless of that. it is in the interest of the american people that we open the government and do not allow the government to default on its debts. we have to go vote.
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i will close by saying this. we know that there are enough republicans and democrats in the house over is a -- house of representatives to reopen the government and put 800,000 americans back to work. there are enough votes on the floor right now to make sure that we do not go over the cliff and allow our government to default on paying back old debts and promises. if we are optimistic, it is because we know the votes exist and if it is not through sheer force of republicans who want a vote, then perhaps the sheer force of the american people talking to republicans and leadership that are resisting a clean vote on the house floor. we are going to get there. the public will send a clear
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message to all of us in washington, d.c. -- get back to work. get back to voting. but us continue to see the economy improve. thank you very much for being here. democraticwas the leader who heads up the democratic caucus and his vice chair talking to reporters after the rank and file met behind closed doors. going on inis washington tom a right now. -- what is going on in washington right now. they're waiting a possible deal to open up the government. the white house is meeting with senate republicans and getting their take on this possibility. we learned that senate republicans will not be going to the microphones after that meeting. we have set up our cameras outside of the white house to capture their thoughts after meeting with the president.
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if they come to the microphones, we will try to bring that to you live. we are taking your phone calls on c-span as we wait and watch to see how this unfolds in washington. jake sherman tweets out this -- paul ryan making the rounds on the house floor. as we told you earlier, two newspapers are featuring paul ryan on their front pages this morning. they're talking about his role in brokering some sort of agreement to talk with the president yesterday. leadersther republican were at the white house yesterday proposing this short- term debt fix deal. the paper featuring paul ryan today. ofay marks the only debate the 2012 campaign season between paul ryan and vice president joe
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biden one year ago. as the back-and-forth continues, we are getting your thoughts. debbie, sterling, new york. republican caller. from what i heard, obama said he will negotiate after they vote his way. i do not believe obama will negotiate in good faith. as soon as he gets what he wants, he is going to smile and walk away. host: what should republicans do? caller: i think they should stand and fight. i have spent my life not in debt. if i could not afford it, i did not buy it. we stand and we fight. we have become soft. we have become weak. we have become dependent upon the government and entitlements. it is time to stop and get things fixed.
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host: let's hear from mike, florida. a democrat. caller: i think we need to take our house of representatives and congress and leave them in the building until they can get their matter straight in their brain and quit acting like a bunch of 2-year-olds. host: what does a deal look like to you? caller: it looks like i will not have a paycheck next month. host: why is that? caller: i am disabled. why don't we cut their salaries until we can get these matters straight? host: you are a democrat. what do you want the two sides to agree on? what should a compromise look like? caller: they need to take obamacare and throw it out the window. if it is so good for the
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american public, why do we not have it for the house and congress to have, and the president? let them have what we have. host: jack, iowa. independent caller. caller: the reason i am calling in on the independent line, i am disgusted with the republicans and the democrats. i have to echo what the gentleman just said -- if the government had to live on what the american people have to live on, it would be a very different story. the government has ceased work for the american people, even though that is the way it was supposed to be from the beginning. take your insurance away, take their huge salaries away, take their retirement await. let -- take their retirement await. ay. let them live like we live.
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they will have a very different view. host: the associated press reporting this house gop offers a debt limit hike and and and to the shutdown -- and an end to the shutdown. we will see what the responses to that. linda, indiana, republican caller. my opinion on this, i agree with the lady that just talked. i think the government from the president on down ought to take a cut in their paychecks. they have all spent the money. it was not americans. i am poor. they need to start living like we do. maybe then they can understand where everybody is coming from. host: more quotes hear from eric
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can't work. -- we're frank thorp are trying to stay focused on the talks that occurred last night and we are waiting to hear from the white house. staff led talks continued through the night. republicans at the white house right now talking to the president. we are getting your phone calls here. we will go to anita next, laredo, texas. i feel they should reopen the government. i agree partially with the previous speakers that you have had. i feel that every day the government is not open, those in congress should be fined. i believe they should have a decrease in their wages.
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i want to appeal to each one of them that are holding back, i am tired of hearing obamacare. it is not obamacare. it is health care for the american citizens and voters. in each state where they have a representative that is a republican, if the people were to remember why they voted for them and see that they are not doing the job -- they need to ask them to step down. pennsylvania, independent. let's be realistic. i am with the lady who just spoke. this is for the american people. for the american poor people. the republicans do not have to worry about this. they have their big houses and their big salaries.
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they are not going to take their money and fine themselves. i have not heard anyone speak to the matter which is really at hand. -f you look at - [indiscernible] to red, two white blue to purple. host: we will live that there. -- we will leave it there. we will be taking your phone calls as we wait and see what happens behind closed doors. we will hear from jay carney at 1:00 p.m.. we will bring you live coverage of that. in the meantime, we want to show you a portion of the value voters summit from earlier today. [video clip]
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>> good morning. welcome everyone. annual to the eighth values of voter summit. the government may be shutdown, but the values voter summit is open and way to go -- and ready to do business. you may have noticed that it is not a shutdown -- it is a slowdown. some have asked, what is a slowdown. think of it this way. it is like being in a perpetual tsa line. no one seems to be moving, but you have to empty your pockets. [applause] the president's barricades may have resented vacationing ballot
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theay have prevented vacationing families from visiting our parks. he has used as barricades to try to keep our voices down in america and i tell you what, it is time we let him know that no one is going to keep the voice of the american family from being heard in our nation today. [applause] i suggest that we start our values voter summit by removing these barricades. the best thing to do is to remove the barricades to show him that nothing is going to keep us back. we need to remove the barricade of obamacare to our freedoms here in america. [applause] ready,ask you -- are you
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are you ready -- take them away. [applause] to let your voice be heard here in our nation's capital? [applause] me. did not convince are you ready to let your voice be heard here in our nation's capital? [applause] you'ree next 48 hours, going to hear some of the s'greatestve movement leaders and thinkers. you will be inspired, you will be informed. you may even be entertained at times. anything, youhan will be engaged in doing the work necessary to turn this country back to its founding on suppose.
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those principles articulated by the founding fathers in the words we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator. rights,tain unalienable among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. rights,e these governments are instituted among men an. they do not have our consent to take our freedoms and liberties. that message will be sent this week. [applause] i have the privilege of calling the 2013 values voter summit into session. [applause]
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i cannot think of a better leadoff to this year's values voter summit in our first speaker. it was his leadership at was instrumental in getting the republican leadership to challenge this administration by doing the will of the people. to stop this train wreck we know as obamacare. you have seen him on the news repeatedly over the last month. he is beating the drums and sang the president -- if the president cannot follow these laws then the government cannot fund it. today, mike lee fights to preserve america's founding document and the united states senate. from an early age, he acquired a deep respect for the constitution. his father served as the
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solicitor general under president ronald reagan. what a great example. me senator welcome -- please help me welcome senator mike lee of utah. ♪ [applause] >> thank you, tony. thanks to all of you. it is great to be here. it is a privilege to be here today. i want to start by telling you a story that i heard from a man imo phillips.
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he was walking across a bridge and there was no traffic on the bridge. there was no one on the bridge at all. he was able to walk on the middle of the bridge. it was a high bridge and stretched over a large river. anyone who fell off of that bridge would not survive. halfway across the bridge and saw a man standing on the outside of the guard rail. the man would not survive the fall and he surmised the man was contemplating ending his life. determined not to allow this to happen, mr. phillips engaged the man and conversation. he asked if he was a believer. the man said yes. mr. phillips said me too.
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what denomination are you? the man said i was a baptist. mr. phillips said me too. the man said i am in northern baptist. me too. fundamentalist baptist. are you a northern fundamentalist baptist of 1857 or 1812? he said i am a northern fundamentalist baptist of 1857 and i said i you heretic and i pushed him off. heretic,said die you and i pushed him off. it is important to keep our eyes fixed on conservative congress rather than finding heretics. the principles that unite us are principles that help position us to win the hearts and the minds
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of voters across this great land. too often in this town, we stopped thinking about the things that matter and get caught up in the thick and thin of things. , and weed thinking big often stop thinking at all. --leads to other problems $70 trillion of debt, widespread government dysfunction, obamacare, and much more. i want to tell you a story about my boys. i have twin boys. 18 years old. james and john. they are good boys. they go to church, read their scriptures, they are 4.0 students. we were listening to the radio in my car. we were listening to a popular song that i had not listened to
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carefully in the past. i started listening to the words this day, and i realized that the words were not necessarily good. they were not the words that any father of teenage boys would want his kids hearing. i pointed out to them -- this is a raunchy song. this is terrible. my son john said, it is not bad if you don't think about it. all of a sudden a horrific thought occurred to me -- my son must be advising the president of the united states. [applause] $817 trillion debt isn't bad -- 17 trillion dollar debt isn't bad if you don't think about it.
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a massive government takeover of our health care system isn't bad if you don't think about it. if you do think about it, all of those things are horrible. the very best argument against obama care is the president's conduct during the first 10 days of this shutdown. look at what has happened. he is using the power of the federal government to hurt the american people. why? in order to win a political argument. what happens when we turn over some of the most private intimate decisions in our lives to the government? when will that be used as a tool against us? we must defund it. [applause] ted cruz and i and a few others who have stood with us -- [applause]
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i see rafael cruz, ted's father here with us. thank you for sending a great son to washington. ted cruz and i have been criticized for our actions in the attempt to defund obamacare. we make no apologies. we stand with the people. [applause] you are here today because you
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are thinking about it. my party is at its best when we are thinking about it. some people succumb to the notion that we cannot think the middle of the big battles on heated issues. i say this is what we should be doing. we should be doing it today and every day. when we stop and come back home to being the party of big ideas, good things happen. the bigger our ideas, the more we have succeeded. conservative's resolution. the 1994 contract with america. you might think of any of the above, they all show that it is the ideas and the principles, rather than the personalities that unify the republican party and propel it
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to electoral success and to governing success. lately, it seems we have not had enough of either. some say it is because we need better candidates. some say it is because we need a better message. others say it is a dispute about tactics and strategy or even technology. certainly those things play a part. ideasmind, the party of is missing ideas. long, republicans have put off the difficult task of conservative reform agenda to meet new challenges of between first century. there are reasons why this is so. i think the biggest is that in this city, conservatives often fall into a trap. it involves defining ourselves by what we are against. big government, big government debt, higher
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taxes, higher regulations, and obamacare. we are against that. perhaps we have not invested enough time and energy in communicating what we are for. i am talking about more than the policies we advocate. conservatism is not about the bills we want to pass. it is about the nation we want to be. for conservatives, politics is more than just a means. it is an end. it is the real goal. what conservatives are for is not an agenda for government, it is a vision of society. it is a view of the world we want to build together. together. that is a word. together. it is essential. it is overlooked. it is part of what we believe. we are committed to bed rock notables of individual liberty,
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rights, and personable -- personal responsibility. thereason we fight is for strength, vitality, and value of communities that free individuals form. the alternative to big government is not just small government. alternative is a thriving, flourishing nation of cooperative communities where your success depends on the quality of your service. it is a free enterprise economy where everyone works for everyone else. they compete to see who can figure out the best way to fight -- to help the most people. free individuals come together, to meet each others needs, to fill in the gaps and to make sure no one gets left behind. this occurs among individuals and communities not as a result of a government mandate. [applause]
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despite what people may think, even people within our own movement, conservatism has never been a vision of loners. ours is a vision of husbands and -- bosses ands employees, and businesses, customers, teams, groups, associations, and friends. we do not simply want smaller government. that is necessary, but it is not enough. wantnt bigger citizens, we stronger neighborhoods and more aerobic communities. liberals dod what not, that freedom does not mean you are all on your own. rita means we are all in this together. the value that we place on community is based on the value we place on the first and most po